Este post es una traducción del original escrito en Julio del 2012 en el blog de Xuan Prada.
Estos son los puntos principales de un curso que impartí hace poco acerca del texturizado en proyectos de cine VFX.
En el curso utilizamos diferentes assets de producción, pero este es el único que puedo mostrar aquí.
Puede que dentro de poco presente un curso similar de forma online y en castellano.
- Check the model.
- Render a checker scene.
- Decide about the quality needed for the textures. Is it a hero asset?
- UV mapping.
- Organization methods.
- How many UDIM’s?
- Photo Shoot.
- What kind of lighting do I need?
- Accessories. (Color checkers, tripod, polarized filters, angular base, etc).
- Bakes. (dirt maps, dust maps, UVs, etc).
- Grading reference images. Create presets.
- Clean reference images for projections.
- Create cameras and guides in Maya/Softimage for projections.
- Adapt graded and cleaned reference images for projection guides.
- Project in 3D software or Mari. (Mari should be faster).
- Work on the projections inside Mari. (We can use Photoshop, Mari or both of them. Even Nuke).
- Create a 16 bits sRGB colour textures.
- Test colour channel in the light rig.
- Create a 16 bits gray scale specular textures.
- Create a 16 bits gray scale bump textures.
- Create a 16 bits gray scale displacement textures.
- Create a 8 bits gray scale ISO textures.
- Look-Dev blocking.
- Import the light rig.
- Create a basic pass.
- Checker render (matte).
- Checker render (reflective).
- Create clusters.
- Block materials.
- Look-Dev primary.
- Set up diffuse.
- Set up specular and reflections.
- Balance materials.
- Look-Dev secondary.
- Set up bump.
- Set up displacement.
- Rebalance materials.
- Set up ISO’s.
- Look-Dev refinement.
- Rebalance materials if needed.
- Create material libraries.
- Render turntables.